Friday, February 22, 2019

dream destination

Dream Destination
Dennis Scott
January 23, 2019

    Image result for newnan georgiaImage result for newnan georgiaImage result for newnan georgia       Newnan Georgia is where I like to visit I go up there almost every summer. its pretty, and fun there. its a lot to there, and a lot of places to go. its a really interesting place. they have great schools and basketball and football teams. its also a lot of good restraraunts.
Its a lot of cool people there and camps to. there's a lot of nice, and big houses.

Image result for destin florida
I love to go to Destin Florida. that's another one of my dream destination, it has a great beautiful beach. there's a lot o0f big and pretty houses too. you see a lot of nice cars when you walk to the beach. funny people also be on the streets.

sharing thoughts on blogger

 When i first started blogging i thought it was a great way to communicate with others. its also a great way to express your feelings or express what you wanna say. i think its a good way to communicate on a computer as well.
My definition for blogging is a short story about anything on your mind towards something or somebody. blogging is some you write about to share with people in my point of view. its a just like emailing but better.
I think you cant gain a lot from blogging because its really nothing educational.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


I like cars, because they go fast and you can get away from 12 easier. My favorite car is a Shelby Mustang. These cars are often called "Cobras". Cars are pretty they come in different sizes and some cars go fast. I like fast cars so you can escape from 12 because I don't like 12. 
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My second favorite is a Hellcat Charger. Cars matter because without them then we would be walking, or riding horse or some. A charger can reach top speed in 4 miles which is 204. Hellcats have supercharged engines and are very fast. They are nice cars and are good for racing.
Image result for hellcat charger facts

My third favorite car is a Camaro z28 2019. Its the new Camaro, and its one of the best looking. Its faster than most cars, and it can be rebuilt as a drag car. It has a super charged engine and racing parts. its good for racing and one of the best muscle cars.
Image result for camaro 2019 z28

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

free blog

My free blog is about dogs. dogs are domesticated mammals, not natural wild animals. They were originally bred from wolves. They have been bred by humans for a long time, and were the first animals ever to be domesticated. Today, some dogs are used as pets, others are used to help humans do their work.

Natural Habitat of Dogs. The lives of dogs in the wild give powerful clues for the ingredients of a healthy, happy, balanced life for your pet. Dogs live in many habitats.Dogs live in most countries around the world. Dogs can either live in the wild or as pets. The country with the highest pet dog population is the United States of america which is home to 61,080,000 pet dogs.Dogs are one of the first animals that humans tamed, and are commonly known as 'man's best friend'.

Dogs are the best because, unlike people (and most cats), they love you unconditionally. Dogs are willing to put aside their differences and live in peace, even with their natural-born enemies. Owning a dog can help kids learn about responsibility and empathy. They love to snuggle and they're the best at it.
Dogs are as intelligent as the average two-year-old child, according to research by animal psychologists. Researchers have found that dogs are capable of understanding up to 250 words and gestures, can count up to five and can perform simple mathematical calculations.

 Dogs can do more than get you exercise and boost your mood. ... Owning pets is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, Dog owners have been found tohave lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and experience fewer heart attacks than those who do not have pets.

Dogs help humans reduce stress. Studies show that interactions with therapy animals can decrease stress in humans. Playing with or petting an animal can increase levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol. ... Reduced stress can also benefit physical health.